Workplace safety

What makes a work environment pleasant and enjoyable? A positive attitude? Employee morale? Or perhaps the feeling that you are working in a safe environment?

In this overview blog, we make you aware of workplace risks and we provide an overview of possible measures and solutions you can take to improve workplace safety.



Boplan FLEX IMPACT® HP Plus in an industrial environment

A healthy company starts with maximum workplace safety

It just makes sense. The consequences of an accident at work are long lasting. Not just economically, but also psychologically. A company's profitability is therefore directly related to its investment in safety.

Accidents at work are often forklift accidents, slips on slippery floors and falls from height. Usually, people look at prevention, training and signalling to reduce exposure to these safety hazards. This is a good first step. However, accidents will happen. Rules make people aware of safety, but over time this awareness fades. In addition, rules are not always followed in certain circumstances. Enforcing safety rules therefore doesn't guarantee safety, but safety barriers do.

What is workplace safety?

Workplace safety includes all safety measures, rules and regulations set by the government. We would already like to emphasise the importance of employee participation at this point. The purpose of safety measures is to make the workplace safer. Their aim is to avoid accidents and provide protection against accidents. They are not only about prevention, but about protection as well. They have to provide a safe working environment for people, vehicles, infrastructure, machinery and buildings.

Who is responsible for workplace safety?

It is the employer’s responsibility to protect everything and everyone in the company properly. The Labour Act provides strict regulations organisations must follow in their operations. To ensure health and safety at work, employers must prioritise safety measures: from information and training to the installation of physical safety barriers. When they sign an employment contract with the employee, they guarantee that they will protect them.

Employers who do not meet the safety regulations can be held liable with disciplinary, civil or criminal penalties.

While employers are responsible for providing protection and clear safety policies, it is up to employees to follow these closely. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for respecting the workplace safety procedures and policies. By following the rules, everyone helps to reduce the risk of accidents.

What risks occur in the workplace?

In every warehouse, in every manufacturing environment, in every industry, there are risks that lead to accidents. We spend an average of 8 hours in the workplace. For that reason alone, the risk of accidents at work is higher there than in other places. Danger is always lurking around the corner. It is impossible to prevent accidents completely, but it is possible to make the workplace as safe as possible.

Identifying the risks in the workplace is not an easy task, but it is worthwhile. Risks depend on the type of industry, the type of work and environmental factors. A good way of identifying and analysing risks is the PEEPO method. Let's look at this in more detail.

What are the consequences of accidents at work?

The PEEPO method sets you well on your way to greater workplace safety. That is important because the consequences are not to be sneezed at! We think primarily of the consequences for workers in the event of an accident at work. Personal injuries are terrible and cause a lot of inconvenience, and not just in the short term. The psychological aspect also takes its toll. 

In addition to personal injuries, accidents can have a significant financial impact and lead to a drop in productivity. Consider the replacement or repair of critical machinery. Damaged utilities, buildings and infrastructure are also costly. Not to mention the cost of downtime due to damaged vehicles, buildings or infrastructure.

There is also the possibility that, as an employer, you may have to pay compensation to the victims if your safety provisions are found to be lacking. Your insurance premiums may also go up.

Recognising the risks and consequences of hazards in the workplace is one thing, but the most important step is to examine how you can prevent them. Because prevention is better than cure.

What safety measures can you take to reduce accidents at work?

There are many steps you can take to improve workplace safety. Below, we present a roadmap that goes from preventive measures to safety barriers, the only safety measure that provides effective protection from impact.

  • Perform a risk assessment

We spend a large part of our lives at work. It is therefore important that the working environment is safe for employees. A company must communicate any risks to its employees and use sufficient resources to enable all employees to do their jobs safely. Every worker has a right to protection. This means different things depending on the situation and needs. A risk assessment allows you to establish the initial safety focus areas and take the appropriate preventive measures. By assessing the work environment and observing how people work and interact with the equipment and each other, you can identify where accidents are likely to occur, where people or assets are at risk of harm, and where safety measures are lacking. Here are some investigative methods for carrying out a risk assessment.

  • Establish a traffic plan

In addition to a risk assessment, you need a traffic plan. This plan identifies the different traffic flows and bottlenecks within your organisation. It provides insight into hazardous situations, such as areas where forklift traffic and pedestrian pathways cross. The traffic plan and risk assessment lead to recommendations for physical protection in the form of safety barriers to limit the damage in the event of an accident.

  • Staff training

It is important to provide effective training to machine operators and to sufficiently involve other employees in the preparation of the safety measures. Prevention and training ensure that everyone understands and respects the measures. Training sessions such as safety presentations help to clarify the organisation's safety measures. Employees who have worked in your organisation for years, new employees and student workers all have a vested interest in being educated on the company's safety aspects. After all, safety is an issue that affects everyone in the organisation. The success of the introduced measures depends on everyone taking their share of responsibility.

  • Apply pictograms and floor marking tape

In addition to the employee training and guidance, the signs implementing the safety principles in the workplace also play an important role. Prevention through signs reduces risk and makes it safer to move around hazardous areas. For example, you can make a hazardous area safer with pictograms and floor marking tape. In addition to the identification of hazardous areas, road markings also help to define lanes, pedestrian zones and vehicle zones. They are, in short, an effective prevention tool.

  • Provide personal safety equipment

People working at height, handling heavy and bulky objects or using materials handling equipment are exposed to significant risks. It is therefore essential to provide those people with personal protective equipment that protect them in hazardous conditions.

When working at height, workers need a hard hat, strong harness, gloves, safety shoes ... In the chemical industry, safety goggles provide protection from hazardous products. This personal protective equipment is necessary, but does nothing to protect the building, infrastructure, vehicles or machinery. That is where your collective protective equipment comes in.

  • Install collective protective equipment

Awareness, prevention and personal protective equipment are one thing, but you still depend on the goodwill and awareness of all employees to follow the rules. And even if your employees are exemplary when it comes to safety, there will always be circumstances causing them to deviate from the prescribed path.

To prevent serious accidents at work, you have to ensure overall safety with polymer safety barriers and other physical safety solutions. Physical safety barriers have two functions. They prevent accidents and they provide physical protection. Workers are more likely to notice the safety barriers and are encouraged to adopt a more cautious attitude. And if an accident does occur, the safety barrier provides optimal protection to pedestrians, infrastructure, buildings and vehicles.

What types of polymer safety solutions can you install in the workplace?

Polymer safety solutions are available for a wide range of applications, sizes and situations. We summarise them for you here:

Safety and crash barriers are particularly useful for segregating different areas, preventing collisions between pedestrians and vehicles, maintaining a certain safe distance or preventing falls from height. In addition, fall protection or fall arrest devices can also be part of your company's safety solutions. They are very useful for guiding people and preventing people or objects from falling from a height.

Click here for more information on preventing falling objects.

Strategically placed bollards also improve workplace safety significantly. You can use polymer bollards to shield areas from vehicles, protect corners at entrances and block traffic flow without vehicles sustaining any damage in the event of a collision. This is also the strength of polymer bollards over their steel counterparts. In the event of a collision, there is little or no permanent damage to the bollard itself, to other infrastructure or to the vehicle. Placing them at vulnerable key points in your working environment can save you a lot of money.

There are also several types of safety gates. Sliding safety gates are a space saving solution for providing access to an area. There are also gates with a self-closing door that swings open or opens vertically. When the person has gone through it, the safety gate closes automatically, allowing all pedestrians to move safely within the work area. 

Tip: combine the safety gates with handrails at a loading dock or other entrances and exits, for instance.

You use racking protection and column and corner protection to prevent vehicles from damaging the building or goods. This type of protection forces forklift drivers to pay more attention to vulnerable infrastructure. If they do hit it, the impact protection will ensure that the racking and forklift are not damaged.


The PEEPO method helps you to identify the factors that are affecting workplace safety. PEEPO stands for People, Equipment, Environment, Product and Organisation. We discuss each aspect separately below.


As in road traffic, pedestrians are also the most vulnerable in the workplace. Being distracted or acting incorrectly can have dramatic consequences. People may take a fall from height, slip, ... and sustain serious physical and mental injuries.

To prevent accidents in the workplace, you need to consider the physical and cognitive ability of the workforce to do the job. If an employee is not physically fit to do the job, it will affect their performance and lead to accidents. Of course, the worker must also be mentally able to do the job. Knowledge is important in this regard. Sharing knowledge about safety measures and standards within the company is a must. You can do this with a safety presentation, for example. Training is also indispensable to enable staff to perform certain actions. Think of the mandatory training for forklift drivers. Also don't forget the psychological component. It's not a good idea to put someone with little sense of responsibility in a position where the application of exceptional safety measures is crucial.


Equipment also has an impact on workplace safety. Think of machinery and tools. Each machine has safety instructions. Make sure people follow them and that the machine is in good condition. Sometimes machines or parts of machines are not shielded. In this case, provide shielding or protection. Shielding prevents people from inadvertently coming into contact with the machine. Protection such as polymer safety barriers stop vehicles from hitting machines.


The environment plays a huge part in workplace safety. As an employer or safety expert, you can only partially determine an employee's behaviour, but you do have complete control over the safety measures in your working environment. This is where you make the difference between a healthy and safe workplace and a potential 'disaster area'.

Traffic, light and temperature are three environmental factors that affect safety in the workplace:

  • Traffic

In large production areas and distribution centres, forklifts and pallet trucks are the stars of the show. They deftly navigate narrow aisles and winding pathways through a warehouse full of racking. It goes without saying that this involves certain risks: they could collide with the building, other vehicles, or worse, pedestrians! Drivers may think of bending the rules to meet their targets. They may load more weight than is allowed, or they may drive too fast. The result: they hit the racking, damage a wall or load, or even drive into a colleague.

Find out:

  1. The most common forklift accidents
  2. How to prevent forklift accidents
  • Light

Many factory buildings have few windows and little natural light. Artificial light is the main light source there. Of course, this is not a problem as long as there is sufficient light everywhere. Poorly lit areas or goods lead to accidents. Other causes are thresholds, depths, racking and objects situated above the traffic with low headroom and protruding structures. Lack of light may also cause goods to go unnoticed. This in turn leads to falls. So make sure you work in an orderly way. Find out how you can better organise your workspace here.

  • Temperature

Some companies work in freezing temperatures (frozen foods). Others work in extreme heat (steel manufacturers). In both cases, workers need to be adequately protected with clothing and equipment. Did you know that we have developed safety equipment especially for extremely cold work environments? Download the Safety in Freezing Environments white paper to find out what safety solutions are suitable for freezers.


The type of product also plays an important role in determining a company's risk. For example, companies working with chemical, flammable or nuclear materials require special safety measures. An accident involving a toxic load will have serious consequences. In a worst case scenario, this results injuries or deaths with all the legal and financial consequences they entail. Make sure that such areas are very well protected against collisions. 


The organisation part is closely related to the environment theme. It mainly concerns the layout of the workplace. By making the workplace safe and efficient, you minimise the risk of accidents. Keep an overview of the workplace and provide a clear organisation method. Goods that are not in their rightful place pose a risk to people. Prevent slips and falls by focusing on keeping the workplace clean and tidy. These are usually small steps to implement, but are of great importance in improving workplace safety.

Picture of the Boplan Headquarters in Belgium

We keep you posted!

Investing in the above safety products ensures that your company meets the safety regulations and is ready for any safety inspections. Protect people, infrastructure, machinery and buildings! It is the only way to have a safe workplace and peace of mind.

Feel free to gain more information from our blogs and industry specific white papers, or contact us. We look forward to taking the safety of your workplace to the next level with you.