How to implement Lean 5S on the shop floor

You can also optimize your shop floor with Lean 5S!

Does this statement sound familiar? "If only I had put it back where it belongs..." This thought shows that your operations aren't running efficiently. Valuable minutes are wasted searching for the right materials. This often leads to decreased productivity. Why waste time when you can operate differently? Learn how Lean 5S can streamline your operations!

Boplan LINE PLAN Uni in an industrial environment


Lean 5S enables you to continuously optimize conditions on the shop floor. By adhering to the five elements, employees can maintain an orderly and clean work environment. Thus, 5S enhances operations in any setting. This leads to improved focus and safety. "Safety" could be considered a sixth S.

Lean 5S originated in Japan, introduced by Toyota in their production workshops. The aim was to streamline business processes and boost productivity. This was achieved through the following Lean 5S elements:

S1: Sort (SEIRI)

Seiri means retaining only what is necessary. We often accumulate excess items. This tendency to collect impacts the orderliness and cleanliness of your work environment. To free up space, keep only what is necessary for the task: sorting is essential. Discard broken or damaged items, those not used in a long time, and items needing replacement. It may seem obvious, but many workplaces are cluttered with obsolete items. These items increase the risk of falls, trips, bumps, and slips.

Begin by clearing unnecessary items from your workspace.

S2: Set in order (SEITON)

Seiton's motto is: "A place for everything, and everything in its place." This involves organizing all your materials or goods in the correct place. Optimal storage ensures you don't waste time and prevents questions like: "Does anyone know where to find this?" Better visual management helps organize your workspace and boost productivity. What’s the best way to do this? The answer is straightforward. Begin by designating a specific place for each tool. Additionally, using floor markings is highly recommended. This precaution prevents employees from leaving goods in the middle of the warehouse. You’ll find floor markings in various applications: from floor marking tape for specific zones to markings with anti-slip coatings and many other types.

S3: Shine or SEISO

You’ve already cleared your workspace of unnecessary items (SEIRI), and the goods you’ve kept are stored in an orderly and organized manner (SEITON). Time for the third step: SEISO or Shine, which is about cleaning your workspace. A clean workspace not only makes you feel good. It also highlights potential problems. If a machine with technical issues is leaking oil, you’ll notice it much sooner if it’s always kept clean. If not, you might not notice an issue until it’s too late, possibly causing dramatic consequences like downtime. Unsurprisingly, cleaning is an integral part of the inspection checklist. It helps maintain a safe workplace.

So, establish cleaning rules and maintenance standards to prevent premature wear and tear on your machines.

S4: Standardize or SEIKETSU

Time to maintain order in the workplace. Create procedures, schedules, and rules, and ensure people follow them. This ensures the consistent implementation of these action items. Standardization (SEIKETSU) creates a flow that minimizes surprises.

Floor marking tape is useful here, as it constantly reminds people of established safety regulations.

S5: Sustain or SHITSUKE

To reap the long-term benefits of the first four S's, sustaining your efforts is essential. The goal is to create a culture of safety in the workplace. Ensure everyone follows all preventive measures and intervene if they don’t. A checklist or audits are highly recommended for this purpose.

Boplan FLEX IMPACT® TB 260 Grill in an industrial environment

Why not 5S + 3?

It goes without saying that implementing Lean 5S enhances workplace safety, which is Boplan's goal! Preventive measures that prioritize order and cleanliness in the workplace help prevent accidents and damage to infrastructure. This is why we like to add a sixth S to the original 5S: safety. Security and satisfaction are other possible additions. They extend beyond just preventive measures: we also advocate for collective protective equipment. It’s the only way to protect yourself from accidents and damage following an inevitable impact.

Depending on your safety concerns and work environment, you can select from various safety solutions: from safety barriers to fall protection.

At Boplan, we offer the safety solution that best fits your needs. Contact us to learn more about the safety solutions that fit your work environment.

Boplan LINE PLAN Uni in an industrial environment

What are the benefits of Lean 5S?

Every method or rule has its pros and cons. For Lean 5S to be effective, cooperation is essential. One employee not keeping good in their designated place affects others and complicates operations. All employees must adhere to the rules consistently, which isn't always easy.

Practice makes perfect, and in this case, it offers numerous benefits:

  • Lean 5S is simple to implement and enhances working conditions.
  • Lean 5S boosts cohesion and team spirit.
  • Lean 5S promotes keeping the workspace organized and prevents people from leaving materials in the wrong places. This helps prevent trips and falls. Thus, it's a crucial preventive measure for workplace safety, also enhancing your company's brand image.
  • Lean 5S provides employees with a clear overview. Marking specific zones with floor marking tape, for example, helps organize the work area and makes it easier to locate goods. This, in turn, saves time.
  • Lean 5S boosts productivity and thus indirectly contributes to higher sales.

How do you apply Lean 5S?

Now that you understand Lean 5S, it's time to apply it. To optimize your operations, take a step-by-step approach. In an organized plan, map out each area of your business and determine if it meets each S. Answer the following questions:

  • How often will I use these tools or materials? Do I need more than one of each? If not, remove them from your workspace and prevent them from being left anywhere. (Sort - SEIRI)
  • Are the items stored correctly? Are they easy to locate? If not, consider assigning them a fixed location. This makes it easier for everyone to find them. (Set in order - SEITON)
  • Are your machines maintained regularly? Regular maintenance provides a better understanding of machine conditions and allows for quicker intervention in case of issues. (Shine - SEISO)
  • If compliance with the rules is slipping as people revert to old habits, it’s a sign that the rules need to be clearer or more strictly enforced. Ensure standardization and reminders in the workplace. Achieve this by adding floor marking tape or installing visibility-enhancing safety products. Procedures and schedules also assist. (Standardize - SEIKETSU)
  • Regular audits will keep your workplace tidy. (Sustain - SHITSUKE)

To take it a step further, focusing on both protection and prevention, we provide more information about our safety solutions for your workplace. Contact us with no obligation or browse our catalog for more information and inspiration.