Customised safety products make a difference at Magna Casting Soest GmbH

Magna Casting Soest GmbH needed appropriate safety solutions to protect their sensitive machines from collisions with forklifts. To meet the specific requirements, Boplan developed customised safety products.

Gelber Boplan TB 400 Double in der Magna-Fabrik

The challenge

Magna Casting Soest GmbH was looking for high-performance protection for their valuable machines against impact from forklifts. There were two main objectives: to avoid damage, but also to prevent production downtime due to repairs. To this end, it was important to adapt the safety solutions to the exact conditions on site. Boplan’s answer: customised safety solutions.

Our safety solutions

Protection of machines

To separate the driving lane from the machines, we installed the TB DOUBLE. This double crash barrier offers particularly stable protection thanks to its 2 planks. The safety barrier protects the machines in a highly efficient way without hindering work processes. In addition, it increases visibility and therefore also awareness, facilitating safe handling in the workplace. 

At the most critical points in the production centre, we placed BO IMPACT bollards or protective posts. This protective post is specially designed for places where there is a frequent risk of impact, such as near doors, entrances and machines. A higher version of the post was specially made for Magna Casting Soest GmbH to stand out even more and absorb impacts from higher heights.

Customised safety solutions

In addition to the TB DOUBLE and BO IMPACT, we used customised safety solutions for the protection of specific machines. While doing this, we took into account how the machines work. On a specific machine, for example, we raised the support posts of the collision barrier, while also lowering the centre, so that goods can slide through easily. 

Do you need customised safety solutions?

Logo of Magna as a Boplan reference

We received good references about Boplan from companies in the region and can only agree with these.

Magna Casting Soest GmbH
Gelber Boplan TB 400 DOUBLE PLUS und TB 400 DOUBLE in Magna-Fabrik
Gelber Boplan RB RACKBULL im Werk Magna
Logo of Magna as a Boplan reference


Boplan developed customised safety products for us to protect our sensitive machines from collisions. The safety products adapted to our needs, their determined approach and their excellent customer service made the difference for us.

Magna Casting Soest GmbH

About Magna Casting Soest GmbH

Magna Casting Soest GmbH, founded in 1957 and originally a Canadian company, operates worldwide as a manufacturer of automotive components for brands including BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen. The leading company has 343 production sites and 88 product development, engineering and sales centres in 29 countries. For one of its company locations, Magna Casting Soest GmbH was looking for suitable safety products to protect its valuable machines. We installed several customised safety solutions there. This means that the machines are optimally protected against forklift accidents for a long time. 

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